CASE STUDY:  Client sector - Airlines

Strategic imperative

Identify drivers of airline brand differentiation across 14 markets, define the role on country of origin as a driver, and streamline communications by creating a compelling global brand that would deliver improved brand equity across all markets.


National airlines have an inordinate challenge. In almost every market where there is a single national flag carrier, the depth of both public affection and expectations of the nation’s own airline is extraordinary.

That of course is not a view necessarily shared outside the airline’s home market: There it competes with other ‘foreign’ carriers and against other countries’ own national carriers.

As an international airline, our client sought to establish a clear baseline on the current strengths and weaknesses of its airline brand across each of its key international markets and how it was positioned against its competitors there.


Delivering our global findings, we identified the drivers of brand equity growth in each market.

We then decoded the common elements that could form the core of a consistent global essence as well as the cultural nuances specific to each market.

But what value might be gained from their iconic country of origin?

Analysing the country brand, we identified the specific attributes the airline would benefit from in each market by tying itself to its country of origin brand and the depth of its appeal across demographic segments.


The findings delivered specific advice on the elements of the global brand the airline already owned, those it needed to grow and what it could gain from its country of origin. This included its competitive position, especially against its nearest long haul rival, and the demographic differences in brand equity across the key inbound travel segments it was targeting.
